— Truth

Feeling like this thesis scope goes way beyond a school project and starting to see it as a personal project. Almost as a secret thesis for my own personal growth.

Though not everyone goes through the same approach of self discovery and self care, I think it’s an important area that a lot of people can relate to in some way. At the core of this, finding a tangible one solve all solution is not the right direction.

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We each have our differences in coping habits and techniques. Through conducting a number of qualitative interviews I’ve learned a lot about what others go through, some similarities in methods and some complete opposite behaviours. I’ve learned a lot about what works for myself over the years and through this small study have met so many wonderful people that were open to sharing their perspectives it’s contributed to helping me grow even more.

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Thank you to those that have taken the time to share your stories and take an interest in contributing, I’m still hoping to continue this exploration further as an online journal. I’m always open to good conversation over tea, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Further pursuits 

After a brief conversation with a friend I’ve decided to focus on my school thesis more towards my current professional goals, while tackling a just as impactful space I’m more familiar with. I think the best advice a professor told me in regards to my blue sky ideas was that I don’t have to change and disrupt the world all in one go. It’s all still a learning experience and this being a more exploratory area, though all for challenging myself, it’s more strategic to focus on building my technical skills within product design to keep within given deadlines.

How important it is to have balance. Throughout this process merging my technical interests in building a product in addition to understanding the self discovery and self care space, I’ve learned some things do not require much technicality at all.


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